Scenario Play Throughs Command Modern Air/Naval Operations (CMANO) PMC Tactical

Scenario Play Throughs

This is a list of scenarios I played through and very quick comments of how good the scenario was, how I played, my losses and ending score. These are from Community Scenario Pack 30 dated Dec 7th, 2015. But that is just a start, I'm hoping to grow this as I play along any scenarios I get my hands on as well as campaigns.

Trying not to put any spoilers here, but if you are overly cautious about such things its better not to read this before you have played these scenarios as some of my comments might give away some scenario plots / surprises.

688 Attack Sub #4, Mumar Cadaver, 1989.scen

03-13-16 0747hrs to 0821hrs. Use auto and manual fire on tankers, ran out of weapons to fire (heh), ended mission when there was still one target tanker left.

Score 300

688 Attack Sub #8, Surprise Party, 1989.scen

03-13-16 0830hrs to 0847hrs. Didn't get any contacts, only one helicopter contact (from periscope?) once.

losses 1x DDG 993 Kidd. Score -100

A Day at Red Flag, 1977.scen

03-13-16 0849hrs to 0935hrs. First A2A engagement went fine, but when strike package approached targets things started to go bad. losses 15x F-4E Phantom II. Nellis air force base had no magazine stores for aircrafts to rearm, eh?

Score -75

Air Battle over Berat-Kutov, 2021.scen

03-13-16 0935hrs to 1002hrs. First engagement went off before planes could fully takeoff, half of the mirages had like 20min ready time left, nice scenario design dude, haha. Shot all enemy attackers down, mission completed.

losses 1x Mirage 2000-5 Mk2. Triumph, Score 440

Albania Airstrike, 1984.scen

03-13-16 1003hrs to 1039hrs. Took out both SA2 sites, then strike once the norther airbase with unknown BDA when mission ended.

losses 4x G.91Y Gina and 1x F-104S Starfighter CBO. Disaster, Score -800

Ancient Armies, Modern Weapons, 2014.scen

03-13-16 1405hrs to 1547hrs. Completely crazy if not bizarred briefing and unit selections. F-5's got shot down like flies, they must have encountered F14's on the enemy side (AIM54's), totally odd scenario. I left scenario running, put win7 desktop locked mode and when I came back CMANO had crashed.

Anyways, really weird scenario, avoid this in the future.

Andaman Sea Clash, 2005.scen

03-13-16 1554hrs to 2044hrs. Thai fishing boat scenario. Small and limited but quite nice. Strange to say but "exciting" scenario as its so peace time mood with tensions between two border countries.

Took me a while to realize which ships I had to intercept (stupid me), could have saved lot of trouble of figuring it out quicker. Had small surface to surface engagements and air to air, small stuff. On first surface engagement one of my harpoons got away and destroyed 1x Commercial Trawler [800t DWT], hehe.

losses 2x F-5E Tiger II and thai fishing boats: 2x Commercial Fishing Boat [35m], 3x Civilian Junk [35m]. Average, Score 165

Andromeda at the Ready, 1984.scen

03-13-16 2139hrs to 03-14-16 0105hrs. Persian Gulf action, UK vs Iran, pretty nice mood in this one. Iranian F-5's got through and sunk the ship I was escoring, RIP. It was odd scenario that I had very little protection against the F5's.

losses 1x Lynx HAS.3, 1x Wessex HAS.3. Minor Deafeat, Score -65

Angamos Goes the Distance, 1980.scen

03-14-16 0935hrs to 0943hrs. Diesel sub extracting spies scenario. My sub hit a mine and was destroyed at over 600ft depth heh. This scenario would be good default example for those SEAL insertion/extraction sub scenarios (dangerous waters campaign manuscript).

Had another try, picked up the government officers just fine. It was bit scary as sonar heard two explosions when whales/tuna hit mines heh. Scenario ended after I barely got out of the pickup zone?

Minor Victory, Score 100

Annaba Constant, 1960.scen

03-14-16 ?hrs to 1314hrs. Very old 1960 stuff, very small limited scenario.

losses 1x P-2E (P2V-5) Neptune. Minor Victory, Score 370

April Storm - 1 - The New Eastern Front, 1996.scen

03-14-16 1414hrs to 03-15-16 1159hrs. Europe '96 large airwar, fight over poland. Somewhat overwhelming feeling at first glance of all the cities, airbases and aircrafts out there. In my first air to air engagement I lost 4 ship F16's as I didn't shoot first :(

Laggy scenario, its not even that large in my opinion... but very laggy, its not fun to play :(

It was quite painful scenario to do especially with the sluggish performance, so I saved game and took a break after like hour+ of playing. Then at last part of the scenario I setup a mission for fighters to anti-air patrol, this caused bit of losses I noticed.

losses 13x F-16C Blk 30 Falcon, 7x F-15C Eagle, 2x Radar (AN/FPS-117(E)1), 1x EF-111A Raven. Triumph, Score 940

ASW EX - 1971 Spanish Coast, 1971.scen

03-15-16 1203hrs to 1235hrs. Spanish carrier group. At start scenario looked really small; only your carrier and one waypoint heh. Really odd scenario, to accomplish it I didn't do anything except put time accelleration up, heh.

losses 2x D 61 Gearing FRAM 1. Triumph, Score 300

ASW Exercise, 2006.scen

03-15-16 1243hrs to hrs. Enterprise carrier group hunting subs in US east coast. I didn't do anything except setup a existing patrol zone for my ASW aircrafts, then I just sat back and time accellerated it.

No losses. Average, Score 20

Attack on H3, 1981.scen

03-16-16 2128hrs to 2303hrs. Quite interesting looking historical iranian airstrike to iraq H3 airfield, deep penetration strike stuff. Lost one aircraft in first engagement as I had too strict ROE for the group, newbie mistake. My first strike was total failure, no damage to enemy and only losses for my strike package. Somehow two of my tankers in iranian side were shot down, didn't see how it happened (pay attention!).

Very laggy scenario, noticeable especially when trying to click icons and having some time accelleration. Over 1min time accelleration basically froze the scenario, there is some events or something bugging in this scenario for sure(?). Maybe give this a try later with v1.11 or later Command version, or if scenario author fixes it.

Decided the end the mission myself. losses 8x F-5E Tiger II, 5x F-4E Phantom II, 1x Boeing 747-100 Tanker, 2x Boeing 707-3J9C Boom/Drogue Tanker. Average, Score 135

Attack Sub Duel off Hokkaido, 2003.scen

03-17-16 0003hrs to 0028hrs. Jap sub scenario, your only force is a submarine, very small scenario. Didn't do much, just continued on my course and then fired on russian kilo.

Average, Score 55

Baltimore on the Prowl, 1952.scen

03-17-16 0029hrs to 0119hrs. Very small scenario, peace time stuff of coast of lebanon.

Triumph, Score 100

Battle Ocean '64 -- Baltic Convoy, 1964.scen

03-17-16 1113hrs to ?hrs. Peace time weapons hold polish convoy escort situation. My ASW patrol aircrafts went little nuts and steered off course completely, this was most likely due to the no fly zone very close to my patrol zone. Overall enjoyable scenario, except that it ended suddenly.

losses 2x D 170 Z1 [Fletcher]. Major defeat, Score -120

Battle Ocean '64 -- North Sea ASW, 1964.scen

03-17-16 1728hrs to n/a hrs. Scenario is continuing the story from battle ocean 64 baltic convoy. I made a mistake and exited game without saving, didn't want to restart this mission from the beginning.

Battle Ocean '64 -- Teesport Convoy, 1964.scen

03-18-16 0037hrs to 0407hrs. Felt like another small scenario, very few blufor units. Quite long scenario, yet funnily no bloodshed, no casualties for russian side and no losses for me, heh odd.

Triumph, Score 600

Scenarios played below are with v1.11 Service Release 5 - Build 847.1

Battle of Strait of Tiran, 1978

10-29-16 2021hrs to 2149hrs. Initial attack from enemy fighters took one of my ships down, I totally underestimated them (and was perhaps bit distracted, first time playing CMANO since march). But managed to get one cargo ship into the objective area.

Losses: 1x 321 Eilat [Saar 2], 9x F-4E Phantom II [Kurnass], 2x Vehicle (AN/MPQ-48 CWAR), 4x Vehicle (AN/MPQ-46 HPI), 2x Vehicle (AN/MPQ-50 PAR), 2x Vehicle (AN/MPQ-51 ROR), 5x M192 I-HAWK, 1x A-4N Skyhawk [Ahit], 1x Commercial Container Vessel - Feeder [1,600 TEU, 20,000t DWT]. Major Victory, Score 61

Battle Of The First Salvo, Eastern Med (The War That Never Was), 1989

10-30-16 0245hrs to 0525hrs. I don't know but this scenario seems "unfair" or lame because when it started all my strike aircrafts were preparing for TWO HOURS, err why such stupid handicap? The planes were not ready when the enemy was shooting missiles at us. I dont get it...

After the initial attack wave there was no enemies in sight or that they were fleeing and long pause in the fighting.

Losses 9x A-6E Intruder, 6x AV-8B Harrier II [Day-Only], 8x F-14A Tomcat, 2x F/A-18A Hornet. Major Victory, Score 80

Battle of Yavin, 1980

10-30-16 2203hrs to 2211hrs. This is a joke scenario from star wars, including millenium falcon... oh my. I'll pass! ;)

Bay of Bengal, 1999

10-30-16 2211hrs to hrs. Broken scenario, AEW support mission polygon crosses itself, scenario INVALID.

Benny's Sweep, 1958

10-30-16 2215hrs to 11-01-16 0550hrs. Stone age scenario 1958 heh, no radars (not really), could not get my aircrafts to visual id incoming bogeys.

It was pretty quiet for a long time, didnt get any visual ID on bogeys which was odd. Then all of the sudden within matter of minutes two MIGs and one ship attacked my carrier group and sunk the carrier! Whoa! :)

Losses: 10x F2H-3 Banshee, 5x FJ-3M Fury, 5x FJ-4B (AF-1E) Fury, 7x AD-6 Skyraider, 2x AD-5W Skyraider, 2x RF-9J (F9F-8P) Cougar, 1x UH-25B (HUP-2) Retriever. Disaster, Score -500

Best of the West, Worst of the East, 1982

11-01-16 2053hrs to 2132hrs. Slow starting scenario, had to run it on 300x time scale when nothing happened. ASW helos sunk two of my subs, I never got any surface ship contacts, not even from satellites.

Losses: 1x PL-641 Foxtrot, 1x PLA-627A November [Kit]. Minor Defeat, Score -2

Better Bullets -AMRAAM-, 1987

11-03-16 0044hrs to 0122hrs. Basically I got all my F15s show down hehe.

Losses: 24x F-15C Eagle. Major Victory, Score 92

Scenarios played below are with v1.11 Service Release 6 - build 870.3

Better Bullets -SARH-, 1987

11-03-16 0435hrs to 0509hrs. Bit more even fight this time, but I still had trouble getting my eagles to engage aggressively, maybe its just me, maybe its CMANO who knows.

Losses: 19x F-15C Eagle. Triumph, Score 162

Biddle Goes to Algeria, 1984

11-03-16 0512hrs to 0609hrs. Was quite nice scenario, small and compact. However I (or my ships heh) shot a neutral ship by accident, it was Harpoon that lost tracking of intended enemy target and hit civvie. Then I lost my ship for heavy enemy fire, scenario failed.

Losses: 1x SH-2F Seasprite, 1x CG 26 Belknap. Disaster, Score -370

Biddle's Quandary, 1982

11-03-16 0622hrs to 0822hrs. Nice basic scenario, shot one syrian ship and then all of the sudden submerged contact fired several vampires to one of my ships which was then sunk, uh oh.

Losses: 1x SH-2F Seasprite, 1x CG 26 Belknap. Disaster, Score -410

Biddle's Team, 1981

11-03-16 0826hrs to 2321hrs. Good naval action, bit limited weapons but it was more like ship to ship gun battles.

Losses: 1x SH-2F Seasprite. Average, Score 280

Birmingham Strikes, 1992

11-05-16 2353hrs to 11-06-16 0048hrs. Did not see enemies othern than few RHIBs, hmm? The RHIBs attacked my ship and destroyed the helo on deck, ouch.

Losses: 1x Lynx HAS.3. Average, Score 40

Black Gold, 1985

05-25-17 0703hrs. Stupid scenario start (as they often are), you start it and missiles are already flying towards your units which seem to be placed like silver platter for the enemy to shoot, I don't get it. Got two of my phantoms hit, two ships sunk and two oil platforms hit without being able to do anything, great scenario design, thumbs up. Scenario scheduled for deletion, this shit should not be in community scenario pack.

Upgraded to CommunityScenarioPack036

Because apparently there are bunch of polygon errors on some of these older scenarios, I upgraded into community scenario pack number 36. Unsure what the changes are, assuming many scenarios have been added, but no idea if old ones have been deleted or broken ones edited and fixed.

Black Tiger I, 2015

05-25-17 1117hrs to 1148hrs. Ripper 5 flight shot down two MIG-29's which failed the mission because they didn't have permission to fire, or something.

Losses: none. Disaster, Score -20

Black Tiger II, 2015

05-25-17 1202hrs to 1257hrs. Destroyed few gunboats. BTW apparently these black tiger scenarios are closely related, why on earth these were not made as campaign?

Losses: none. Triumph, Score 130

Black Tiger III, 2015

05-25-17 1302hrs to 1434hrs. Nothing really happened, one of my arleigh burke class ships hit a mine and received minor damage.

Losses: none. Average, Score 0

Black Tiger IV, 2015

05-25-17 1440hrs to 1549hrs. Oddly this now jumps into iranian side heh, but I guess as these are after all scenarios, there is no campaign style requirement to have continuation between scenarios. Wall of migs attack to the amerikan GREAT SATAN ships and after huge aircraft losses finally islamic fighter allah ships sneaked missiles in and destroyed all the GREAT SATAN ships, "wohuu" :)

Losses: 33x F-5F Tiger II, 33x F-4E Phantom II, 18x Su-33 Flanker D, 26x MiG-29 Fulcrum A, 16x Su-34 Fullback, 12x MiG-29 Fulcrum A, 3x MiG-35 Foxglove [MiG 1.42 MFI], 18x F-14A Tomcat [F-14AM], 2x SA-8b Gecko Mod-1 [9A33BM3] TELAR, 1x Vehicle (Grave Stone [92N2]), 3x SA-16 Gimlet [9K310 Igla-1] MANPADS, 8x SA-21a/b Growler TEL, 1x Vehicle (Cheese Board [96L6]), 1x Bavar 2 [WIG]. Average, Score 91

Black Tiger V, 2015

05-25-17 1623hrs to 06-02-17 1742hrs. Starting situation was really exciting for this, US carrier group penetrating hostile persial gulf in brink of a nuclear war, whoah. This scenario has some MIG-35 foxglove aircrafts which are hypothetical, nice... I did not sign up to play qUaK3 r0Ck3T arena goddamnit. However decided to play through, I don't want to spoil any details as this was really long, painful and exciting scenario, shame that the hypothetical crap took some shine away.

Losses: no spoilers. Triumph, Score 1040

Bosphorus Blues (The War That Never Was) Warsaw Pact, 1989

06-04-17 1313hrs to 2015hrs. Playing on commie side, don't like it at all, had no passion for this scenario. I guess my planes got shot down and scenario was lost.

Losses: 11x Su-24M Fencer D, 5x MiG-29 Fulcrum C, 1x Tu-22KPD Blinder B, 3x Su-27S Flanker B. ?, Score 0

Bostons Battle, 1963

06-04-17 2021hrs to 2115hrs. Tiny scenario, just three ships. Sunk few ships and one sub.

Losses: none. Major Victory, Score 320

Bostons Brawl, 1963

06-04-17 2117hrs to 2145hrs. Tiny scenario, just three ships. Sunk one sub.

Losses: none. Minor Defeat, Score 0

Breaking Bad, 2105

06-04-17 2147hrs to 2351hrs. What the hell is AQAP? other than that quite nice smallish setup. Scenario ended oddly soon.

Losses: 2x AH-1Z Viper [Super Cobra], 1x A-10C Thunderbolt II, 1x Marker (Geographic/Aimpoint), 1x F-15E Strike Eagle, 1x F-15C Eagle. Disaster, Score -29

Buenos Aires Express, 1982

06-05-17 0001hrs to hrs. Tiny scenario, also doesn't appear to work as message log gets spam of error type messages.

Losses: n/a. n/a, Score n/a

Building a Cage, 2005

06-05-17 0011hrs to 1946hrs. Quite interesting scenario. I ran out of ordnance fairly quickly, not sure if it was by design or a bug, either case it felt dumb.

Losses: 5x MiG-25P Foxbat A, 3x Su-24MK2 Fencer D, 5x MiG-25P Foxbat A, 9x Mirage F.1EH, 3x F-16CG Blk 42 Falcon [Peace Vector II Upgr], 1x S 311 Al Badr [PL-641 Foxtrot], 2x SH-2G(E) Seasprite. Triumph, Score 682

Busy Day in Burundi, 1976

06-05-17 1948hrs to 2051hrs. Bombed rebel hutus in the jungle and of course some innocents got in the way.

Losses: 1x Canberra PR.9, 1x Buccaneer S.2C. Disaster, Score -195

Cable-tap, 2015

06-05-17 2055hrs to 2105hrs. Another scenario where I have no passion for. Briefing says Kim Dotcom is a criminal? Haha. I actually refused to play this stupid scenario, the good thing about community scenarios; you can choose what to play.

Losses: n/a. n/a, Score n/a

Cape Road, 2023

06-05-17 2111hrs to 2214hrs. Had a small surface shoot'em up.

Losses: none. Triumph, Score 460

Caribbean Clinch, 1956

06-06-17 1345hrs to 1534hrs. Soviet surface group was stopped (ie they did not move), it felt like a scenario bug. Scenario ended soon after I got contact.

Losses: 1x P2V-2 Neptune, 1x F2H-3 Banshee. Minor Defeat, Score -60

Caribbean Crisis - The Prelude, 2012

06-10-17 0315hrs to 0502hrs. Nice very small scenario, bit one sided though but still ok.

Losses: 5x Building (Barracks), 1x Building (Communication Hub). Minor Victory, Score 20

Caribbean Crisis - The Showdown, 2012

06-11-17 1642hrs to ?hrs. Again caribbean crisis is string of scenarios which should have been made as campaign, why its not I have no idea. Enemy air force was too much on this one, my planes got shot down one by one and I could see the end coming long before... Had to abandon the mission eventually, didn't want to send good Dutch men to their deaths invane.

Losses: 15x F-16AM Falcon MLU, 2x AH-64D Apache, 2x NH90 NFH, 1x F 802 De Zeven Provincien, 3x NH90 TTH [Caiman], 2x C-130H Hercules. Major Defeat, Score -165

Caribbean Fury 1 - Hot Tamales, 1994

06-12-17 2132hrs to 06-13-17 0120hrs. Another scenario string which should have been made as campaign, sigh. Scenario description and briefing mostly duplicated which is stupid, also it was long and tedious to read without any clear objective (which it said it was). This is one of the largest, if not the largest scenario I have ever played with 3000 units.

Wall of text orders started to come in... this scenario feels, I hate to admit, too large. Scenario was pure slaughterfest with wall of text message after message coming in. I'm sure scenario author had put insane amount of effort to this, but this is not enjoyable scenario heh not even close. Decided to end the mission, perhaps another day I feel for such insane scenario, but that is not today.

Losses: n/a. n/a, Score n/a

Caribbean Task Force Ruby, 1963

06-13-17 2211hrs to 2336hrs. Umm got attacked and scenario ended, heh.

Losses: 2x DD 710 Gearing FRAM 1 Group B. Disaster, Score -200

Carribean March 21st, 2022

06-14-17 0807hrs to 1119hrs. Briefing was with some shitty font I could barely read on 4k screen, so I didn't. I was bit slow on my assault, ran out of time and mission ended. Oddly enough I did not get rating.

Losses: 1x S 802 Walrus, 16x F-35A Lightning II, 10x F-16AM Falcon MLU, 1x Airbus A.330-200 MRTT [KC-30A], 3x AH-64D Apache. n/a, Score 155

Carrier Battle Group ASW test_14, 1984

10-18-17 0404hrs to 10-18-17 0435hrs. Corridor setup for carrier to sail, umm am I playing COD or what? And aircraft sorties ran out very quickly, then the carrier was unprotected, nice.