Sprint And Drift Command Modern Air/Naval Operations (CMANO) PMC Tactical

Sprint And Drift

Submarine tactic of sprint and drift. Create waypoints maybe 2-5 miles apart, tick no cavitation and sprint and drift boxes, now your submarine (or surface ship if you so choose) will speed up until the next waypoint and then slow down to drift for the next 2 miles, then loop begins again. Quite nice tactic.

Why do this sprint and drift? Well you want to make some progress on your waypoints by going faster, when doing so your underwater sensors lose performance meaning the quality of detection, but once you switch to drift basically turn engines off or low creep speed and your ship/boat speed degreases your sensor performance increases and you most likely spot any new underwater contacts who are lurking nearby.

The principles of underwater acoustics indicate that the faster the ship goes, the poorer the sonar’s performance. The fast ship, however, would overcome this problem using her sonars only when stopped or going slowly and then taking advantage of her speed to make up for the time spent searching. This tactic is known as "sprint and drift." -source U.S. Naval Institute.