Tutorial Import/Export Files Command Modern Air/Naval Operations (CMANO) PMC Tactical

Tutorial - Import Export Units / Groups Files

When you create airbases, groups of ships etc, you can save these units/groups into import/export files. This way you dont need to create that large carrier group with aircrafts every single time you want to create such scenario.

Select the units you want to export, then choose menu Editor -> Import/Export Units -> Save selected units/groups to file. Then just name the file and save. Please do not use spaces or other special characters in directory or file names (obvious).

You can browse directories when saving .inst file, however when loading it defaults to the [game-root]\ImportExport\ directory which is real shame. Your files are in huge pile of files made by other people, no customization for your own needs.

You can however create your own sub directory in [game-root]\ImportExport\ directory so finding your own files is bit easier.