Tutorial Scenarios Command Modern Air/Naval Operations (CMANO) PMC Tactical

Tutorial Scenarios

Tutorial missions from: load scenario -> tutorials -> air warfare tutorials -> strike tutorial.

"strike tutorial #2 - driving in the daisies" has detailed explanations for strike mission and recon mission.

"strike tutorial #2 - complex strike" is zinder airport strike, quite free form mission to accomplish it as you wish.

These tutorial missions are good, but there are overwhelming amount of data thrown at you all at once, forget about "step by step easy to follow tutorial", these aren't it. It will require several times reading through wall of text of complex instructions and then train by running the scenario. By complex I mean there are several soviet commie scum aircrafts, each having their own commie scum weapons where normal western person has no fucking clue what they are, everything has to be learned from ground up.

I have no idea why such important tutorial was not made with traditional US aircrafts and weapons. Also the tutorial special message texts are overly long with useless info text in them, tutorials need to be SHORT and to the POINT, no excess bullshit allowed to waste readers time.